Whilst we love the look of our iris in the garden, they make spectacular cut flowers in a vase inside and keep for up to 2 weeks. Here a few handy tips to ensure you get the most out of your indoor iris displays.
- Keep an eye on iris flowers in your garden, and pick them just as the top flower is starting to unfurl. It’s best to cut them using sharp secateurs or a knife in the early morning or evening,
- Some people advise recutting your iris at an angle once they are inside, either under a running tap or underwater in a bucket.
- Display your iris out of direct sunlight and breezes. Change the water every 3 days or when it becomes murky and recut the stems if necessary. Pinch off the wilted flowers as blooms emerge lower down the stem.
- Occasionally an iris will drip a sap-like substance – place them on a non-porous surface just to be on the safe side.
For some interesting ideas on how to display your iris, google ikebana and iris. Ikebana is a Japanese form of flower arranging which turns cut flowers and foliage into works of art. Whatever your displays, enjoy your iris.